Changes at Global Chrysalis Germany: Glagow departs...

Tom Glagow, who has served as Managing Director for Global Chrysalis for the past eight years, has announced his plans to leave the company. As part of a restructuring of its affairs in Europe, Ben Malen, the Managing Director of Air Chrysalis Scandinavia, now assumes the role for Germany in addition to his current responsibilities, with Axel Hanselka promoted to the position of general manager for Global Chrysalis.  

Jeremy Lascelles, the CEO of Chrysalis plc, says: "Tom has made a huge contribution to Chrysalis in his time here, and has built a team of people and a company for us in Germany of which he should be rightly proud. I am very sad that he will be leaving us and wish him well for the future".

Tom Glagow comments: "I've had a tremendous time at Global Chrysalis, working for one of the most successful publishing companies in the world. After eight years there I've decided to take a short break and then look at a number of new opportunities. There is a very professional team at Chrysalis and I'm delighted to have had the opportunity of working with many of them and now wish them continued success."  

Chris Wright, Chairman of Chrysalis plc adds: "We completely understand Tom's decision to pursue other interests at this stage of his career. He has done a fantastic job building Global Chrysalis Germany, and has played a major role in driving both the creative and commercial success of the company. We wish him every success in the next phase of his career."